The largest democracy in the world having one of the largest railway and road network in the world. One of the most well connected countries.
Ironically the most important key to all infrastructural developments -Industrial transport sector has been neglected by the Govt. but seen as a cash cow by the traffic police.(The views expressed in this blog are strictly personal. Readers discretion advised. Please credit for re-posts)
International Crane and Specialized Transport magazine released its worldwide ranking of transport companies.
Download the full magazine from
A snapshot of the ranking sheet is as under. Just remember that the ranking was done as per information provided by the participants, rest is left to your imagination.
Indian Tyre major and RPG flagship company CEAT announced awards in road transport "excellence" on 27th July 2011 in Mumbai. Winners List can be found at
A full page coverage was published in 2nd August edition of The Economic Times.
My opinion: The award is a positive step forward in recognizing the road transport industry as a professional industry and not just Truck-wallahs. Backed by a renowned brand surely will make people who matter to sit up and notice.
As per the winners list the categories were Operations Excellence, Personnel Management, Customer Experience, Environment Conservation and Special Achievers. 730 applicants were scanned and adjudged by Nalin Mehta- MD, Mahindra Navistar, Paras Chowdhry- MD, CEAT, A Ramasubramaniyum- President, AMW, Rakesh Batra- Partner and National Automotive Leader. Ernst and Yound and Ramesh Agarwal- Chairman, Agarwal Packers and Movers. The problem is the clubbing together of the total industrial transport industry and adjudging on basis of the above parameters. This is like the classic comparison of apples and oranges.
Award Category should have been something like- Rapid Transport (FMCG, Car Carriers, Container etc... whatever is under CMVR), Project Transport/ ODC ..whatever is over the CMVR norms), Best Achievers in inception of R&D in transportation. Subcategories same as current.
Jury should have also included logistics heads of large infrastructure companies like L&T, Reliance etc, Eminent Scientists from the best Universities of the European Union (eg. Budapest University of Technology and Economics. which has a tie up with IIT Delhi) and ARAI, Pune. The chief guest might have been the transport minister of GOI. Now we are talking serious ass kicking industrial transport awards.
Maybe the next edition will be a much more serious affair than just being a colourful affair.